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Customer Story: Pry — Finance for Founders

May 5, 2021
0 min read
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 With Finch, Pry is able to surface key insights into employee and contractor costs.

Problem — Pry needed to empower business decision-makers with detailed headcount cost data to supercharge their financial planning process.

Solution — With Finch, Pry is able to surface key insights into employee and contractor costs.

Finance for Founders

Pry is on a mission to empower founders to make better financial decisions.

Running out of cash is the second most common reason start-ups fail, surpassed by the lack of product-market fit. According to CB insights, 29% of start-ups surveyed pointed to cash burn as a key driver of business collapse. For founders busy building, it can be challenging to monitor all the moving pieces of their finances across systems to ensure they have enough runway.

With Pry, businesses can have their accounting, financial planning, and business intelligence all in one place. Features include but not limited to cash runway forecasting, budget vs. actuals, customizable models, hiring plans, scenario planning, and custom dashboards.

In a previous life, I cofounded a tech-enabled accounting company. We helped thousands of companies keep their books (accounting) up to date. While growing, I could feel Javascript improve year after year but the way our finances were done in Excel just got worse and worse. The product I wanted was simple: something to replace the Excel files that the finance gurus use. Pry is that solution that can handle everything from revenue modeling to headcount planning. 

Andy Su, Co-founder & CEO

To accomplish this mission, Pry needed to incorporate data on one of the highest costs for most start-ups: their employees and contractors.

A Finch-Powered Solution for Headcount Planning

Using Finch, the Pry team is able to seamlessly pull in live department and compensation data for each individual at the company and automatically categorize them based on the P&L segments. It’s a nuanced automation but one that materially improves the accuracy of headcount planning.

Previously, admins would need to manually enter in layers of assumptions and categorizations to ensure their team was accurately represented in their financial model. Working with Finch to pull in the raw data from workforce systems, Pry can reduce that manual work into a 30-second sync and keep it updated as the company grows the team.

The Impact:

🔑 70% increase in headcount planning data after 3 days from sign-up.

With Finch, we are able to split employees by department and access data that no one else has (unique resource for financial planning). We care about this because we care about our conversion funnel. Anything that reduces friction and contributes to our conversion funnel is very important from a bottom-up approach. 

Hayden Jensen, Co-Founder & CTO

Where Finch fits in

Pry unlocks headcount planning in <30 seconds:

  1. Pry’s dashboard requests employers to link their payroll system.
  2. Admin users sync their organization’s system by passing their credentials through Finch’s secure Connect Flow.
  3. In a matter of seconds, Pry’s clients can start building headcount planning scenarios to better understand their business’s trajectory.

The end result is a beautiful UX with actionable headcount insights for founders and decision-makers.

Photo Credit: Alex Sailer, Co-Founder & Head of Design

Extending Strategic Finance Across the Ecosystem

Over the long term, Pry’s goal is to unlock financial insights for start-ups, CPAs, and investors.

Headcount planning powered by Finch is just the first step in a long journey to improve the future of strategic finance.

Working with Finch has been great. They’re constantly working on adding new integrations to provide better coverage and support for our clients. For any company that has employees and/or is planning to hire, I can’t imagine not using Finch to help automate headcount planning. 

Tiffany Wong, Co-Founder & Head of Ops

At Finch, we’re excited to support innovative platforms like Pry (sign up here!). If you’re interested in exploring workforce data for your application, please send us a message here and let’s unlock a completely new use case together!

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