Addition Wealth Delivers Real-Time Financial Insights with Finch

August 19, 2024
0 min read
Addition Wealth, an employer-sponsored financial wellness benefit, partners with Finch to keep their financial dashboards up to date.
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Addition Wealth leverages Finch's HRIS and payroll integrations to import employee census and pay data so employees' financial dashboard is always up to date.

Addition Wealth is a financial wellness company that makes personalized financial expertise more inclusive and accessible. To do this, Addition partners with forward-thinking companies to support employees and individuals to work through personal finance decisions. 

As part of the offering, individuals get access to a digital platform that brings together information from their employer, including benefits information, alongside an individual’s own personal finance accounts to give a holistic overview of what is offered by their company and what an individual already has. In the platform, Addition Wealth also offers individuals a recommended set of actions, including courses on personal finance topics, digital tools, content, checklists, and webinars. Individuals also have the option to speak with fully vetted financial advisors by booking an online virtual meeting.

Because Addition Wealth tailors its offering based on the employer or client they are working with, they needed a way to efficiently manage select employee data—so they turned to Finch. Today, the company leverages Finch to integrate with several HRIS and payroll providers to enhance their customers’ experience by seamlessly bringing in relevant data into the platform.

Democratizing access to quality financial advice

Addition Wealth works with employers by delivering tailored programs that help decrease employee stress, drive higher candidate acceptance rates, and increase overall employee retention. With its personalized approach, Addition can help any employee understand their unique financial situations and navigate through tough decisions, whether they are buying their first home, paying down debt, or planning for retirement.

“Our mission is to enable people to make the most of their money and bring personalized financial expertise to the masses,” said Amy Chou, Chief Product Officer. “It's extremely hard, unless you're already wealthy, to get access to high-quality financial advice. We help the average person get high-quality answers to their financial questions so they can live a healthier financial life.”

As an employer-sponsored benefit, Addition Wealth’s financial wellness platform provides individuals with the tools, resources, and insights they need to be financially healthy based on their own personal circumstances. Each digital platform experience is tailored to the company and the benefits they offer, from equity to student loan assistance. 

“A lot of employees aren’t taking full advantage of their benefits. Employers want their employees to use the benefits they’re given, and to value them,” Amy explained. “When employees understand the true value of their benefits, they’re more likely to stay with the company and be happy in their role.”

Reliable, consistent, comprehensive data delivery

Addition Wealth needs access to specific data to provide tailored insights to employees receiving access to their platform– for example, employee directories and salary information. Traditional methods of accessing that data like manually sending files or leveraging SFTP connections work, but it means that Addition Wealth may not have access to the most up to date information.

Finch’s API integrations, on the other hand, provide daily or on-demand data syncs. That means that if an employee’s data changes—say, for example, they get a raise or change their retirement plan contribution—Addition Wealth is able to immediately reflect the updates on their dashboard.

“We love the idea of being able to get real-time feedback on these very important pieces of information, versus having to wait for the monthly update. That’s what motivated us to work with Finch,” Amy said. 

“We love the idea of being able to get real-time feedback on these very important pieces of information, versus having to wait for the monthly update. That’s what motivated us to work with Finch."

Saying goodbye to SFTP headaches and manual intervention

Addition Wealth works with companies of all sizes—from early-stage startups to enterprise businesses. Managing small file transfers is one thing, but sending enormous data sets typically requires an SFTP integration, which can be a cumbersome, complicated process that involves a lot of back-and-forth. 

“For some of our customers due to their size, it can be difficult to batch files. It may take a long time, so it’s just easier to plug into something that already exists,” Amy said. 

Even the smoothest SFTP integration process can present a big hurdle for large employers; but there’s also a lot that can go wrong along the way: failed sends, NIGO errors, and corrupted files, to name a few. 

Customers that onboard using a Finch integration can authorize Addition Wealth to access the data in their HRIS and payroll system through Finch Connect, which takes only a few minutes to complete. The connection is continuous, meaning Addition Wealth can simply pull the data they need, when they need it.

Simplified data mapping saves hours of manual work

To take things a step further, Finch saves Addition Wealth time by standardizing all of the data through a unified API. 

Regardless of the HRIS or payroll provider that the employer uses, data pulled through Finch is always in the same format. In other words, data is mapped across different providers’ various field names to a single, consistent field name.

“Because Finch’s API standardizes the data, it’s a pretty easy 1:1 mapping versus needing to figure out what each client calls the same field, where some may call it ‘Salary’ and another ‘Salary Field 1,’” Amy explained. “That’s something we’d otherwise need to write into the code for each client, but we don’t have those issues with Finch because it’s all the same field—it’s just called ‘Salary.’”

Finch and Addition Wealth: Growing together

Amy noted that HRIS and payroll integrations provide value before a customer has even signed on with Addition Wealth. 

“Finch is a benefit in the sales process,” she said. “When prospective customers ask if we can integrate with their HRIS, Finch enables us to very easily say yes. People like having that option.”

“Finch is a benefit in the sales process. When prospective customers ask if we can integrate with their HRIS, Finch enables us to very easily say yes."

As both Addition Wealth and Finch continue to grow and expand their product offerings, Amy said she looks forward to leveraging even deeper real-time insights for employees.

“We’re pretty excited, as Finch continues to expand its capabilities, to bring in more nuanced information about employee benefits and estimate their collective value for the individual employee,” she said. “Integrations make things easier for end users—the more integrations, the better. It's just about finding the integrations that work best for the use case.”

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